Upgrade Angular 8.0 to Angular 10.0

Sherly Febrianti
2 min readJun 30, 2020


Hi CelSius, — that’s how i call my pal 😆

Currently i’m going to upgrade Angular version of my Angular application by following this Angular guide.

Now, Angular 10 has been published!

Previously i have done the upgrade the version of my Angular application from version 7 to Angular 8.

Now, i will start upgrading to Angular 10.

Here is some information of my current application.

Currently my application has been using Angular verion 8.3.

Update the Angular Core and Angular CLI version

Updating the Angular to version 8 by running this command :

ng update @angular/cli @angular/core

Make sure you are using Node 10 or later on your local.

I also upgrading my global angular version by running this command :

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
npm install -g @angular/cli

Adjust the Typescript with your existing code

Your existing project will be using latest TypeScript now (my current local version : ~3.9.5).

Now you need to fix issue in your code by following the TypeScript 3.7 or TypeScript 3.8 announcements.

Update used Angular libraries

If your project depends on other Angular libraries, we recommend that you consider updating to their latest version. In some cases this update might be required in order to resolve API incompatibilities. Consult ng update or npm outdated to learn about your outdated libraries.

running `npm outdated`.


If you don’t like the long explanation, here is the checklist you have to do :

  • Update the Angular Core and Angular CLI version
  • Adjust the Typescript with your existing code
  • Update used Angular libraries

Now, you are good to go. Cheers!

